Page 4 - NTQ Jan 2015 ePaper
P. 4

For The Nepali Times Australia

Publisher : Mahendra Kumar Lamsal
clj: d/ 0fLo / P] ltxfl;s @)!$ Managing Editor : Bharat Raj Poudel
Editor : Sujit Sigdel

gjjif{ @)!% sf] : jfut;“u} ‘b g] kfnL 6fO{D; ci6«] lnof’ n] @)!$ nfO{ Pp6f clj: d/ 0fLo jif{sf] ?kdf Associate Editor : Isha Sharma [Queensland]
ljbfO ug{ kfPsf] 5 . cfkm\gf] : yfkgfsfnb] lv g} cfkm\gf] lhDj] jf/ Lk|lt ;hu / ;lqmo / x+b} cufl8 a9] sf] Operation Manager : Narayan Koirala
g] kfnL 6fOD;n] @)!$ df ci6«] lnofsf yk @ j6f zx/ af6 k|sfzg ;'? ul/ g] kfnL 6fO{D; / fli6«o c+ssf
cltl/ Qm g] kfnL 6fOD; d] njg{ / g] kfnL 6fO{D; SjLG;Nof08 c+sx¿ klg Ps} ;fy k|sfzg ;'? ePsf 5g Marketing Manager : Aviman Singh Basnet
. ;do cfkm} df anjfg x'G5 / dfgjLo cfr/ 0f c;Gtf] ifL egf} + jf h] 5 To;df lrQ ga'emfP/ cem} cufl8 Community Liaison : Rajan Koirala
a9\b} hfg'kg] { x'“bf] /x]5 . o;f] gx'“bf] xf] t ;+;f/ df s'g} klg gof“ s'/ fsf] ljsf; x'Gy] g ;fob . To;}n] xfdL
cfh yk ;+:s/0fsf ;fy gof“ lhDd]jf/L lnP/ ;d'bfosfaLr pkl:yt x'g] hdsf]{ u/]sf 5f}+ . Chief Correspondent : Narayan Khadka
To;} sf] kl/ 0ffd xf] nf xfdL klg ;d'bfodf ;~rf/ k|ltsf] cfkm\gf] lhDd] jf/L c? uxg / lj: t[t 9+un] Creative Design : Rameshor Sangat
cufl8 a9fpg lg/ Gt/ nflu / x\of} . g] kfnL 6fO{D; l;8\gLaf6 dfq k|sflzt u/ ] / / xg ;s] gf} + . kf7s tyf Graphic Design : Sunil Shrestha
z'elrGtsx¿sf] dfof, ;b\efj, ;'emfa / / rgfTds ;xof] usf sf/ 0f xfdLnfO{ cem a9L lhDd] af/ Lsf] af] w
u/ fof] h;sf sf/ 0f g] kfnL 6fO{D;n] ;ftf} + jif{sf] ofqfdf of] nf] slk|otf;+u} prfOsf] lzv/ r'Dg ;kmn Nepal Desk
ePsf] oyfy{ ;uf} / j af“8\g rfxG5f} + . News Bureau Chief : Krishna Bhattarai
sfd z'? ug{ / lg/ Gt/ tf lbg' eGbf klg To;sf] dxTj, nf] slk|otf / ;fGble{stfnfO{ prfOdf k'/ \ofpg' Operation Co-ordinator : Kedar Lamsal
7"nf] r'gf} ltsf] s'/ f xf] . g] kfnL 6fO{D;sf] lj: tf/ / prfOsf ;fy ;fy} xfdLdf lhDd] jf/ L klg plQs} ylkPsf] Editorial Co-ordinator : Hom Lamsal
dx;'; u/ ] sf 5f} + . ldl8of cfkm} df kl/ jt{gsf] ;+jfxs xf] , ;dfh kl/ jt{gsf] nflu dlxnfsf] e"ldsf cx+d\
x'G5 . To;} nfO{ cfwf/ dfg] / g] kfnL 6fO{D;n] d] njg{ / SjLG;Nof08df dlxnfnfO{ g} ;DkfbsTjsf] lhDj] jf/ L Graphics : Rameshwor Shrestha
lbO{ ;dfhdf dlxnf ;xeflutfsf] cfjZostf / plgx¿sf] IfdtfnfO{ pRr ;Ddfg ub} { ;d'bfodf dlxnf
;;lQms/ 0fsf If] qdf csf] { dxTjk"0f{ lhDd] af/ L k"/ f u/ ] sf 5f} + . cem cufl8 eGg' kbf{ ci6«] lnofdf k|sflzt Contributors
klxnf] g] kfnL klqsf ag] sf] ‘b g] kfnL 6fO{D; ci6«] lnof’ n] xfd|f] ;d'bfodf dlxnfx¿åf/ f ;DkfbsLo e"ldsf Dr. Partha Parajuli, Ashok Dhakal, Ishwor Kuinkel,
lgjf{x u/ ] sf] klxnf] klqsfsf] >] o klg kfPsf] 5 . Shiva Nepal (Photography), Radeep Thapa (Sports),
xfdLnfO{ k|sfzgsf] ;'?b] lv g} ljleGg ?kdf cfkm\gf] cd"No ;xof] u ub} { cfpg' x'g] ;Dk"0f{ n] vs, Suman Mahat, Santosh Kunwar
kqsf/ , Joj;foL, ;d'bfosf ljleGg ;+3 ;+: yfx¿, kf7sa[Gbx¿ / o; klqsfdf cxf] / fq v6\g'x'g] g] kfnL
6fO{D;sf ;Dk"0f{ ;xof] uL tyf ;xsdL{ ;a} nfO{ lqm;d; / gof“jif{ @)!% sf] xflb{s z'esfdgfsf ;fy} Published by
awfO{ 1fkg ug{ rfxG5f+} . ljutdf em}+ lg/Gt/ ;xof]usf] ck]Iff /fVb} @)!$ df cw'/ f / x] sf sfdx¿ k"/ f MDS Media Network Pty. Ltd.
ug{ cfp“bf] aif{df xfdLnfO{ xfd|f] a[xt ;d'bfoaf6 z'esfdgf / ;xof] u ldnf] ;\ clg euafgjf6 cflzjf{b T/ A The Nepali Times Queensland
ldnf] ;\ .
k|sfzs ABN: 77 153 005 844

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z'e / d]n ldnfksf] jif{ agf];\M gof“ jif{ The Nepali Times Queensland are not necessarily those of the publisher.

To;f] t xfd|f] cfg} ;Dat 5 Tof] klg Pp6f eGbf a9L . rng rNtL, lgod sfg'g / k|zf;lgs ?kdf contents
xfdLn] :jLsf/]sf] ;Dat laqmd ;Dat xf] . la/f]wsf] nflu la/f]w ug{] s]lx jif{ otfsf] xfd|f] lgolt ag]sf]
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5f}+ . laZj k|lalw;“u /lQPsf cfhsf] xfd|f] k':tf klg h;n] h] egf];\ OZaL ;Datsf] x/]s ;do rqm lgofnL
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;+;f/df lgSs} cfzf nfUbf 36gf / k|lalwsf lasfz ePsf 5g\ eg] csf]{tkm{ xltof/sf] xf]8afhL wfld{s FREE ADELAIDE, BRISBANE, CANBERRA connecting communities through media Year 1 n Volume 10 n January 2015
/ /fhgLlts cltafbLx?sf sf/0f s]lx b'vb 36gf klg 36] . t/ xfd|f] k|;∙ clnslt km/s 5, xfdL hxf“ Fashion ;xdltsf] of}gn] km/ s kb} {g –xlif{sf >] i7, gflosf
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g;Sbf ;+ljwfg lgd{f0f t x'g ;s]g g} b]z ljsf; lgd{f0f / hghLljsfsf] ljifodf;d]t lgs} k5fl8 k¥of]
. e|i6frf/, clgoldttf, gftfafbdf lnKt bnx? tyf tLgsf g]tfx?n] /fhgLltnfO{ hflu/ jf ;f] ;/x dfGb} ;DkfbsLo 4 g] kfn 8fo/ L 22-23
cfPsf] xfd|f] csf]{ tLtf] oyfy{ xf] . g]kfnL hgtfsf] alnbfgLk"0f{ ;+3if{af6 nf]stGq, u0ftGq k|fKt ePklg
To;sf] plrt k|ltkmn hgtfn] kfpg ;s]sf 5|}gg\ . g]kfnL hgtf w}o{zLn 5g\, ;+oldt 5g\, t/ af/Daf/ ci6«]lnog / fhgLlt 6 l8hL6n h] a|fqm; 24
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l:yltdf u'h|g] xf] eg] of] eGbf b'vb c? s] g} xf]nf .
ljutdf u/]sf ulNt / sdhf]/Lx?nfO{ cfTd;fy ub{} hgtfsf] hgfb]z cg';f/ pgLx?sf] ;Ddfg ub{} ;d'bfo ultljwL 12-13 x66s 27
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g]skf dfcf]jfbL qmd;M klxnf], bf]>f] / t]>f] bn ag]kl5 ;f/df x]b{f zlQm ;Gt'ng tndfly k/]sf] b]lvP klg
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lo bnx? Ps 7f“pdf pleg} k5{ . km]l/ klg ;xdlt ;xdltsf nflu dfq xf]Og ;xsfo{ / ;x–cl:tTj :jLsfb{} ;dfh 20 SPORTS 30
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